Our 11 success factors – 11 steps to success

Success in personnel consulting is not a product of chance, which is why we work on each of the projects entrusted to us carefully, conscientiously and in a clearly structured manner.

For this purpose, we have defined 11 factors for successful personnel consulting by targetpeople, which we follow systematically once the order has been placed. This way, recruitment is carried out by target people according to clearly defined processes, which allow extensive and deep market cultivation and in which no candidate „gets lost“. At targetpeople, the success of this system is reflected in our quality standards: the quality of our work in communicating with the candidates and, above all, in the quality of the results we achieve.

Get to know the 11 success factors of targetpeople:

1. Understanding……The Briefing
In order to identify, select and motivate the right candidates, we need detailed information about your company, organizational structure, and conditions, as well as the responsibilities and qualifications of the position. Normally, we get this information in a personal discussion at the customer site.
2. Definition……The Requirement Profile
Based on the briefing and our knowledge of the market, we create the requirement profile and submit it to you for approval.
3. Recognition…..The Target Employer List
Based on the requirement profile, we create a list of target companies (usually competitors) where candidates are employed.
4. Identification…..The Candidate list
Our researchers find the names, positions, and contact data of likely individuals. We also search in our candidate pool from earlier projects, and use online databases and social media like Facebook and Twitter to find other qualified candidates.
5. Contact…..The First Step
Our senior consultants contact the candidates, ask about their willingness to switch, and outline the company and position without naming names. We do not identify the client at this stage.
6. Information……Exchanging Documents
We ask interested candidates to supply a resume, and provide them with a description of the position.
7. Telephoning……….The Initial Selection
Suitable candidates are chosen in a structured telephone interview.
8. Getting Acquainted…..The Personal Interview
In a personal meeting we examine each candidate’s core abilities, social skills and motivations.
9. Introductions…..To the Client
Only those individuals who successfully pass the preliminary stages are presented to clients in the form of a confidential report. The report contains the basic data and an analysis of candidates’ subject qualifications and personal suitability. We are also happy to take part in candidate interviews, if desired by the client.
10. Assistance…..Through to Signing
We assist and moderate the often difficult phase from interview through to signing the contract.
11. Support…..Long-Term!
We try to maintain long-term contact with clients and candidates, so that we can offer help in the event of later problems.